JUST CAUSE 4 Prevent. We are flying on a tank!

Gambling has already shared impressions from Just Cause 4 After E3 2018. Then the project seemed empty and very mediocre. But in six months, a lot could have changed! And then the game went to gold, and we spent several hours on a closed press scope. Alas, the hopes were in vain. This is the same beautiful sandbox with an abundance of crazy explosions, pathos and turmoil, but at the same time it is absolutely not interesting in it if you are not ready to entertain yourself.

Sandbox, bucket and scoop

IN Just Cause 3 Rico Rodriguez took revenge on the death of his parents and seemed to be rest. But, as it turned out, with the disappearance of his father, everything is not so simple, and in order to figure out everything, Rico goes to the fictional South American island of Solis. And there, of course, the next civil war, rebels and military organization "Black Hand". The latter, by the way, was already flashing in the past parts of the series. According to the developers, this is the most dangerous opponent of all that met on the path of Rico. The Gabriella Morales is refuel there-the first woman-antagonist in the history of the series.

At a conference in Los Angeles, the authors of Just Cuse 4 promised a modified hook-cat-and fulfilled the promise. The gadget adds a lot of new ways to have fun and improves those that were in the third part. Previously, you could shoot three ropes and use the hook only for the relatively direct purpose.

Now Rico has built reactive accelerators and balloons into it. Turned out a completely new tool. In addition, the number of “charges” increased from three to ten, which allows you to combine the capabilities of the hook-cat in crazy combinations.

And you can also calibrate in detail each aspect of three main functions. The reactive accelerators, which in the third part occupied a separate slot and were remarkably attached to cars and cows, now have several operating modes and did not necessarily explode after the development of the resource.

The hook can be configured for a certain length, and also make it contract not only automatically, but also on command. Or make the objects attracted by him push away from each other with great force after contact – so you can, say, be extravagant to fly on a motorcycle.

As for the balls, they can also configure parameters like a height of take -off and activation time. With their help, you can, in particular, in two accounts to create a funny reference to the last Metal Gear. As before, the only limiter is your fantasy. And in this regard, the sandbox in Just Cuse 4 works fine!

There are still divine flights on Wingsyut ..

Another new feature is the front line. In the same Just Cause 3 , To free the province, you saved chaos points, destroying the enemy’s infrastructure, and … all. Except for the liberation of the region, this does not particularly affect. Now, how many people will join your army, inspired by the exploits of Rico, depends on the number of points. Newly made rebels can be given orders: for example, to attack a specific location on the island. In this case, the front line on the map moves depending on the actions of your army.

It seems to be raining

The first half of the presentation was given to the hook-cat, the second-improved physics and natural disasters. The quality of shooting has grown significantly, but the most team Avalanche Studios I am satisfied with my APEX game engine and what it allows you to create with a solic. Weather conditions (tornado!), different transport behavior in different biomes – these are the main opportunities that the developers spoke about. That's just, as in the third part, checking it all is simply not interesting.

For me, Just Cuse 3 has become a perfect game for those moments when I really wanted to leave. It was worth starting her, flying over the beaches, and life somehow became better, more colorful. But at the same time, I was not interested in playing Just Cuse 3: the flights on the Wingsight and the epic explosions overshadowed everything else.

The problem is that with the advent of the opportunity to fly as a superman and almost immortal Rico became so divinely cool that any “earthly” affairs seemed too small and unworthy of his intervention. To go down to the ground, clumsily (due to the features of the engine) to walk on it, solve other people's problems-all this seemed meaningless against the background of the opportunity to fly like a bird and sometimes beautifully blow something. In the fourth part, alas, the problem remained. It seems to me that Wingsyut killed this series, even though he gave us amazing emotions from flights.

Solis is divided into four biomes: jungle in the east, desert in the west, plain with a huge city in the south and snowy mountains in the center. The authors say that they drew inspiration to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild , Although the first association here is more likely with Elex. Each bioma has its own natural cataclysm. For example, if a sandstorm covers you in the desert, then in the jungle, be prepared for storm and lightning.

“The weather changes may well catch the player by surprise, and play him in the hands. Are you going to clean the enemy base without attracting excess attention? Well, Tornado has a different opinion on this subject. After a couple of minutes you are trying to dodge the wreckage falling from the sky. Or, conversely, if you can’t free the next city due to too strong opponents, some cataclysm will help. He simply shakes the city with the Earth, and the point is with the end!"

The quote above appeared in the draft of the text a couple of days before the trip, while we collected information about the game. We were sure that the system of destruction and disasters would work just like that. After all, why toil, introduce such serious natural disasters if they do not work?

Unfortunately, we were mistaken. Tornado is just a funnel that lazily moves along the plate of the plain. You can’t even fly into it, but the damage of Rico receives the minimum. The snow storm is dangerous not with its effects, but by the system of volleys that surround it and kill Rico from two hits.

Two other cataclysms generally quote Breath of the Wild, but do it not so spectacular. Sandstone limits visibility https://duelz-gb-casino.co.uk/, but GPS and the system of quick movements in it work. And the storm with lightning behaves like an ordinary thunderstorm from the last adventures of Link: Rico begins to sparkle until lightning strokes into it, that he calmly tolerates. In addition, this disaster rages in only one place and does not move.

But the landscapes are beautiful!

The weather on the island is controlled by Project ILLAPA – four meteorological stations next to each cataclysm. The central station, which is responsible for the snow storm, is protected by the only weapon in the part of the game open to us (and the whole island was available to us, so, apparently, it is more correct to say “throughout the game”), capable of quickly killing Rico.

And here the authors again draw a parallel – according to them, this is a kind of Ganon Castle, the final boss. Here is only in the project Nintendo It was possible to go to him immediately after the completion of training, and here you will be met by deadly missiles that you will turn off very soon. Needless to say, the tasks related to other cataclysms are built according to the same scheme and do not at all intrigue? Oh, here, they said ..

Just Cause 4 – Again a wonderful crazy sandbox. And the authors do not get tired of pushing her capabilities. For example, they ordered the delivery of the tank (a pleasant chip from the third part), but they didn’t just go to destroy the outpost. They used a hook hook to tie six balloons with activation by a separate press and four jet engines with the possibility of reuse. And, in the best traditions of the film "Team" a " , reached the desired fortress on the tank. For what? Then that they can.

It is unlikely that you can come up with an example more colorful in order to describe the sensations from the new Just Cuse. Yes, the game encourages those who come up with non -standard methods of passing. But, by and large, the players themselves generate madness. Just Cace 4 only gives them a huge set of tools for "creativity".

Alas, the mechanism works, only for now it is interesting for you to do this.

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