LAWASIA is an international organisation of lawyers’ associations, individual lawyers, judges, legal academics, and others that focus on the interests and concerns of the legal profession in the Asia Pacific region. LAWASIA facilitates its members’ participation in the most dynamic economic region in the world. Since its inception in 1966, LAWASIA has built an enviable reputation among lawyers, business people and governments, both within and outside the region, as a committed, productive and genuinely representative organisation.

About Mooting

The Moot Standing Committee acknowledges the importance of and observes that mooting has emerged as a critical component of legal education simply because it provides the skills training element for the fundamental skills necessary for a prospective lawyer. Indeed many leading law schools have either made mooting compulsory or forms an important part of the curriculum. Mooting offers a systematic training process of the essential skills of problem solving, legal analysis, drafting legal submissions and the development of public speaking. The ability to articulate one’s thoughts and arguments condensing disparate, often conflicting legal authorities into succinct and persuasive arguments is arguably the single most important weaponry in the lawyer’s arsenal.

Some Law Schools have yet to recognise the importance of mooting where it is considered an extracurricular activity confined to and organised by the student body. Such neglect cannot be allowed to continue if we are to raise the standards of our lawyers to meet the needs of a globalised world. We recognise that the constrains of individual Law Schools and for this reason the Committee would encourage all Law Schools not only to participate but hopes that its students would be encouraged to attend the Competition.


It is with great pleasure that we, the LAWASIA International Moot Secretariat, welcome you all to the 20th anniversary of the LAWASIA International Moot Competition. Nearly two decades may pass swiftly in the life of an organization. Yet, over this extended period, we’ve consistently challenged the unchallenged and explored uncharted territories, delivering the LAWASIA International Moots alongside the annual LAWASIA Conference. Our commitment to excellence has defined our journey, marking 20 years of impactful legal exploration. The LAWASIA International Moot Competition continues to bring mooting into the curriculum of law schools throughout the world and to serve as a platform for friendships to be forged. It has indeed been an enjoyable journey. Over 1,500 students have taken part in the LAWASIA International Moots, and our alumni come from approximately 60 law schools from 30 different jurisdictions.

There has been a notable shift in awareness among law schools regarding the pivotal role that mooting plays, and many institutions now recognize its fundamental importance. This change in perception is crucial, as neglecting the significance of mooting hinders our collective efforts to elevate the standards of our lawyers, essential for meeting the demands of a globalized world.

Mooting serves as a dynamic and indispensable component of legal education, offering students a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. By participating in moot competitions, students engage in simulated legal scenarios, honing their advocacy skills, legal research acumen, and critical thinking abilities. This hands-on experience not only deepens their understanding of legal principles but also cultivates essential skills that are vital for success in the legal profession.

This year, we are thrilled to announce that the LAWASIA International Moot Competition will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!